Target hosts an auction of celebrity kiss prints in partnership with InStyle Magazine.
Kiss Kits are handed out at the event completely packaged with Target's own Sonia Kashuk makeup line. Note cards and pens are included. The only thing that needs to be provided are the lips of the celebrity for the print and a signature.
PR is increased with an additional advertorial insert in InStyle magazine. Celebrities offer fun Kiss & Tell stories - from tales of their first kiss to their most memorable kiss to their worst kiss. Readers are encouraged to match the stories with the celebrity kiss print. The peel-reveal lips would show the answer. Article also drives traffic to where readers can bid on the star studded lip prints.
Postcards are also inserted into InStyle magazine. Readers are encourage to create their own lip prints with samples of Target's Sonia Kashuk lipsticks readily available on the insert.
Create a charity overlay during Target’s Valentine’s Day promotional period.
Kisses for Kids. Celebrities smooch for Target House at St. Jude. And it’s very InStyle.
A charity event was proposed where celebrities offer kiss prints for auction. Event to be partnered with InStyle magazine for coverage. Proceeds benefit the Target House at St. Jude.